Providing elite-level, in-school college counseling services to students in Greater Birmingham.
A universal problem
Staggering caseloads
The American School Counseling Association recommends
a 250:1 student-to-counselor ratio.
Unfortunately, the nation's average is 482:1.
In Alabama, we see an average ratio of 453:1.
Endless responsibilities
Beyond staggering caseloads, the College Board reports that only 22% of a school counselor's time is able to be allocated to college counseling. Of course, this is because school counselors are tasked with everything from classroom guidance and individual student planning to responsive services and system support.
38 Minutes
According to the U.S. Department of Education, 38 minutes is the average amount of college counseling that high school students receive per year.
The greatest ability?
Time spent (per student) on college counseling
School Counselor (Left) vs. College Counselor (Right)

Looking at the left chart, one can see the amount of time a traditional school counselor is able to devote to college counseling, per student, at varying caseload levels (gray columns).
Looking at the right chart, one can see the amount of time a full-time college counselor is able to provide each student at varying caseload levels.
Observe that even at a 500-student caseload, the full-time college counselor (right chart) is still able to provide 44 more minutes of college counseling per student―compared to the school counselor (left chart) at a 100-student caseload.
Minimum vs. ideal support
Minimum Support
Value-add Support
Unfortunately, this is typically all the college-related support that students receive.
SAT/ACT Registration
College Application Support
Midyear Reports
Counselor Recommendations
Senior Year Class Selection/Registration
Naviance Support (if applicable)
Full-time college counselors not only cover the minimum-level support, but they also have the time to provide value-add services.
CommonApp Essay Assistance
Supplemental Essay Assistance
College List Development
SAT/ACT Study Regimen
Resume Building
Advocacy Calls to College Reps
Summer Program Applications
Scholarship Applications
Financial Aid Assistance
Parent Engagement (e.g. FAFSA workshops)
Academic Advisory
Extracurricular Advising
Recommendation Letter Prep (students & teachers)
Interview Preparation
College Selection
Transitioning to College